The Republican Party has become impotent. There is no unity except within small factions that adore trump or hate him. Consequently, they’ve lost the ability to govern.

trump is still calling all the shots. He says “JUMP!” and his track stars fall in line. Always willing to sacrifice their honor and pay homage to their god, they will do trump’s bidding despite the personal cost. Cowards. Traitors to America. Useful idiots for Putin’s glory as well as trump’s.

I’m old enough to remember when our elected leaders understood America’s value to the entire world. They understood the importance of valor, commitment, humanity, support, and justice.

Those days are long gone. We cheer Zalenskyy (those of us who still have our humanity), and cross our fingers that with enough worldly support the Ukrainians, World War III nightmares will subside.

So here we are. At the precipice of another cliff the Republicans placed us on, as they decide whether or not they should push us off.

I guess they’re waiting for the signal from the boss man. Again.

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That sums it all up 👍 ty.

I do wonder why such a small number of Republicans have the guts to stand up and be counted like Romney and Cheney. Does someone have a dossier on each of them with which to blackmail and potentially lose their lucrative donations from the likes of the gun lobby.

I also wonder how so many Americans don’t have the common sense to see through all the lies and manipulations. But what do you expect with a system not fit for purpose.

How can you have a partisan judge, by definition a judge is impartial yet, for example, the Supreme Court is completely biased one way or another. Life appointment 🤷‍♂️

Partisan mainstream news 🤷‍♂️ News should be information not a opinion, yet here we are. No controls on truth, evidence or interference.

And funding 🤷‍♂️using the NRA gun lobby as an example, politics are bought regardless of their true opinion about it, nor the opinion of a majority of Americans. How many are killed by guns, including school children massacred, compared to let’s say abortions.

Fund me this, fund me that, pay me bills, pay my fines, pay my lawyers. What the hell is a Super PAC🤷‍♂️ and why is it a thing.

If you have enough money you’re likely to win, even if it’s just by delaying judicial process long enough for the other side to run out of money, or circumstances change.

The President can appoint people who they have no right to have a choice of. Anyone who is in charge of the checks and balances of government can be replaced by another who will follow orders not the law.

The whole system is designed to be corrupted,

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